Monday, December 27, 2004

Lacking Self Discipline

I think writers are considered right-brainers -- right? Which means we are a highly creative lot, which means we all struggle with self-discipline? I'm hoping for some company here, anyway. I've recognized recently that I lack discipline in a very BIG way.

Perhaps admitting my problem is the first step toward fixing it, like admitting one is an alcoholic is the first step to healing. If so, then I announce:


Okay, that said, I am now resolving to do something about it. I really, really want to write and I feel like that is what God is UNquestionably asking me to do for Him. I procrastinate out of fear (oh, another admission! Is that step 2?).

A couple of days ago, I mentioned that I think I lack self-discipline to my dad(I KNOW I do, but it sounds less harsh on myself to say, "I think"). He said, "You're going to have to get over that to be a writer." Then he went on to remind me of my brilliantly talented grandfather who journaled and wrote poetry, but never sat down and committed himself to sharing his writing talent with others.

I don't want to tell Jesus, "Oh, I wish I had written something for you, I know you wanted me to, but -you know - I was so busy."

I want to place a finished manuscript at His feet.


Anonymous said...

Cynthia again, raising my hand and saying, "I lack self discipline." I know I do. Like right now. I have things I should be doing but I am sitting here on the computer, reading your blog and commenting. But I do feel it is important to build a writing community. I have been alone in my writing so this is an important step for me.

I am just beginning to accept my relaxed self, my cluttered personality and my eclectic interests. For years and years, I tried to become someone else. Someone that I thought a Christian, wife, mommi of nine children, homeschooler should look like. It wasn't me. I have let the pendulum swing to the other side and am now finding balance. To accomplish my dreams, I have to be discipined. Being disciplined doesn't have to override my creativity though.

Just another step in the journey

Lori Seaborg said...

Way to go, Cynthia! You're heading the right way down the right path. You should be SO proud of yourself!