Sunday, December 05, 2004

Back from Mexico

We are back from Mexico -- we returned late on Friday night and now it is Sunday -- and even though we were gone only a week, and even though we were in a touristy area, I am still having a hard time adjusting to being in America.

After our plane landed, I drove to Arby's for a sandwich and surprised myself by saying "Gracias" to the very pale-skinned manager who handed me my food. He was a character, a flamboyant sort, so didn't even seem to notice my error.

The weather also takes some adjusting. Here in South Alabama it is a rainy day, the type that floods our river and makes the chickens feathers wet. I haven't seen the sunshine since landing in America and I miss it!

It is not just the language that has taken some adjusting. It is also the abundance. Driving over the Florida - Alabama border at 10pm the night we returned, I could not believe the amount of wealth that this country has. Every home had electricity shining from it, every person was sheltered away from the cool December air. Almost every home had at least one vehicle in front of it. I've always known we are rich, but I was re-reminded of it after this trip. Even our poor have so much.

I love to be home and I love to be in America, but there is something missing here. Something is just too easy. It would be easy and comfortable to live my American life in the abundance I have been given without wasting a thought on those people in other countries who have so little. Instead, I want to know what God would have me do to ease the burden of others.

What would God have you do with the "leg up" that you have been given as an American? Would He like you to go to those countries as a missionary? Or should you send financial support to those who do go? Or should you spend time in prayer for the missionaries and for the natives?

It is something that we should consider this holiday season.

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