Sunday, March 20, 2005

Today, March 20, 2005

...a visit from my "kissin' cousin," Shannon, who is here from Texas with her Elliott - possibly the nicest man in the world, and Courtney, her baby doll

Losing...our boy bunny who looks like Peter Rabbit. He escaped one time too many and this time we weren't here for my hero to catch him.

Catching...our girl bunny who decided to escape, too, yesterday. Good thing she is FAT and SLOW.

Struggling get up at 6:30am for a walk with God in the mornings. Goodness, do I ever struggle there!

Reading...too many blogs. I am addicted, I admit it, but no - I am NOT ready to quit yet.

Writing...nothing but my blogs here

Wishing...I'd write more

Fearing...writing (for publication)! Why fear writing? I don't know, but I do.

Praising...God for providing us with our latest van to replace the wrecked one.

Planting...petunias, Holly ferns, periwinkles, and transplanting St. Augustine grass

Buying...seeds, 50 lbs. of chicken feed, pink child-sized wooden chairs, oat groats, wheat berries, a breadmaker, and a power inverter - all this week!

Thanking...God that I am an American every time I walk into WalMart and see the surplus that our country has


Lori Seaborg said...

Thank you, Her Wryness and Katy, for encouraging me! You really made my day.

(HerWryness, thanks for the book recommendations. I went and WishListed them on Amazon)

Thicket Dweller said...

I really like this post. :-) Nice idea!