Tuesday, March 29, 2005

A Perfect Blog Drought

I've been in a blog drought. (Obviously.) For a while there, I had so many posts going through my head that I couldn't get them all down. Sometimes I'd even post with a past date, just to sneak in a few extra thoughts without overwhelming you all in one day.

It's upsetting to me to be in a blog drought. I write to you in my head daily, but lately my head-writing has been in sentence fragments. I cannot post my fragment-thoughts. They are not fit for such a fine blog specimen as this.

Or are they?

One of my chief problems in life is Perfectionism. Maybe everyone has it, in some area of their life or another. Someone I know is getting "twins" in April, as she says, in search of the Perfect Breasts. FlyLady writes often, in her housecleaning emails, about getting away from the idea that you have to have the Perfectly Clean House. We all want our children to behave as Perfect Children would.

I struggle with many areas of Perfectionism, and one of them is Perfect Prose. I want to dazzle you, tickle your heart, itch your emotions. I think and think so hard that nothing comes out. If nothing comes out, what's the purpose of this blog?

I want the purpose of this blog to be that of helping other women feel inspired. That if UnPerfect Me can have this silly but happy life, then you can have a silly, happy life, too. I'd like you to leave here with knowing that God loves you a bundle, that I care about you and pray for you, and that slowing down for baking bread, hugging a child, and raising chickens is well worth the lack of pace.

You can definitely over-think. Even about a blog.

Tonight, I am letting you know that I'm back, and I am commmitted to posting regularly, but not always in Perfect Prose.

Instead, I will look to my Creator, the only truly Perfect one, who is able to take the Unperfect and make it Just Right.


Anonymous said...

I love your blogs even if they are just a few words!! You are a blessing, sweet daughter!! keep writing!!
Love you most

Darlene Schacht said...

I am exactly the same when it comes to the blog. But my house and be falling down around me and that doesn't bother me as much.

I agree with herwryness, all we need is a fragment of your prose and we'll be here.