Friday, March 04, 2005

Pads of Paper

One of the things I like best about our children's ages (9, 7, 5, 2) is that they are so easy to please at this stage.

Their Uncle Stephen is moving to Chile next week, and will travel light, so he's been dropping off odds and ends at our house. We've found a home for a chair, a guitar, a drum, and other useful and useless things.

The other day, Stephen and I were going through his latest donations. He held up a dozen used legal pads, with only the unused paper remaining on them.

"Can't use these, can you?" he asked, with a face that said 'probably not' before I had a chance.

"Oh! The kids would love them!"

He looked surprised. "Really?"

"Watch this," I said, "You're about to see an overreaction to paper." I called in the kids.

Stephen held up the paper to them. "Want this?" he asked, with another I-doubt-it look.

The kids swarmed him with greed, jumping up and down, shouting over the paper and how many they each got to have.

With that, they all raced to their rooms and drew pictures for a long while (Uncle Stephen could only say, "Wow. That was intense.")

Oh, that adults were so easily pleased.

I bet God wishes we were.


Lori Seaborg said...

Katy - I needed those words today. Thank you so, so much for encouraging me!

If anyone else is reading this comment, Katy is the longtime and wonderful blogger of . You MUST visit that blog!

Anonymous said...

I laughed when I read your post today - totally how my kids would have reacted too. And now I have to stop commenting because I just heard my own two-year old throw something over the railing and down the stairs - thank you Lord for safety gates:-)

Lori Seaborg said...

Sarah - Now you got me to laughing! Yes, Thank You, Lord, for Sarah's safety gate! I do hope your 2yo didn't throw something valuable down the stairs?