Tuesday, April 19, 2005

A Lesson from the Supernanny

With my Parenting Perfection (::cough::), I have no need of the Supernanny's help, but I do occasionally watch the show just in caseshe comes up with something that I do not do. Last night, I finally noticed that very thing I was searching for:

Supernanny always creates a schedule for the family

For several years, I've been a fan of routines, as in "morning routine," "lunch routine," and "evening routine" (learned from FlyLady ). My children have thrived under these routines. For example, 9yo Brenden has a morning routine of:

* Get dressed
* Make bed
* Eat breakfast
* Put away breakfast dishes
* Brush teeth
* Pick up 2 floors (hallway and boys' room)
* Be ready for school (homeschool) by 8:30am

We are pros (Perfect Pros, that is) at doing our routines, BUT.... there is no schedule to it, except that we need to be starting school by 8:30am. Which means that Brenden here will often stay up until 10pm at night,then want to sleep in past 8, which does not give him enough time for doing his morning routine.

And so he has a grumpy mama on his case.

A routine is an awesome help for a mother, but I've come to realize that a schedule is a necessity. Being a creative person, I abhor schedules, preferring to pick the daisies when I feel like picking them, and not because it is 3:42, Daisy Picking Time. Because of that love of freedom, we've had carefree days, but the days just sort of "go by," without much getting accomplished.

After Supernanny's suggestion, I sat down and made a schedule. One that allows flexibility (to pick the daisies) but keeps us on track so that each day is productive. Here is 9yo Brenden's schedule, for example:

8am Morning Routine (if you get up before now, you can watch t.v.)
8:30 Bible time
9 Schoolwork
10:15 Break
12 Lunch
12:30 Lunch Routine
1 Quiet Time: Finish schoolwork or read
2 Play quietly or with friends outside
3 Play loudly or with friends outside (baby is up from her nap =D)
5 Bath/Shower
5:30 Dinner
6 Evening Routine
6:30 Family Time
7:30 Computer Time
8:30 Reading in bed

I'll let you know how it goes, but for now, the kids are so excited to have a schedule. They keep looking at it and saying, as Brittany (7yo) just did a minute ago, "Mama, It's 2:53. Only 7 minutes until 3:00, our Play Time!"

It's a little harder for me to stay on schedule. I get easily sidetracked by the mailman, the baby's diaper changes, the rotting bananas, this blog....


Peg said...

I hope your schedule works for you. I have a really hard time sticking to one. My blog messed up my schedule every single day! I keep hearing about flylady - thanks for the link. Kudos for your Bible time!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

man.. how do u even deal with four. i cant even deal with one. n esort to spanking my gal.

Anonymous said...

I am an Australian mother of 4 who loves supernanny and flylady.I also daycare a two year old so who has time for a blog but I would love to keep in contact with any other mother who wants to both vent about any universal mothering,wifing problems as well as share happy happenings and tips for a sane life..

Lori Seaborg said...


I dont' have another way to contact you, but want to tell you thank you for introducing yourself! Please write anytime, I'd love to learn from you, too!

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say what a relief it is to know that I am not the only one that feels that time controls my days. I mean to say that I don't make good use of my time. Important things get pushed aside, like mealtimes and going outside. Pushed by what? You know I do not recall??? It must have all gotten lost between changing diapers(I have two in diapers), washing diapers, emailing my huz and cleaning off guu. I have tried a simple routine like getting up at a reasonalbe hour, but why when I am up three four times a night? Well the kids are sick. Maybe it will notlast forever.
Any ideas?

Anonymous said...

No ideas just hugs...i have a 2.5 and a .5 year old, both girls and I'm having the worst time. i googled supernanny routines and this popped up. i wish there was a sahm calculator somewhere that gave you a routine by age entered or a combined routine for all ages entered... You know what i mean? I'm loosing my mind over here...i never take a shower for one, I look like crapola everyday. I can't clean b/c one is crying or whining. I don't know where to start with a routine because all my days feel soooo different! one day the .5 year old needs 4 naps...another day the 2.5 will or wont take a nap. if we go to the park the house doesn't get clean and I'm Wiped OUT from carrying the baby in the sling so that she's with me and spotting my adventurous toddler who may or may not throw sand in other children's eyes. OOH DING! I think i need to create a babysitting for alone cleaning time swaping deal with my neighbor who has a 3 year old.

The only way I can get stuff done is if the 2.5 is watching t.v. and that's just not the answer! Or is it? HELP!

Does anyone actually clean up after they go to bed? I'm so done at 8:30 I just want to watch t.v. myself. or escape on the net.

I read sink reflections last year and didn't make it through. I needed examples as for little ones are haywire!


Katie Bulmer said...

I really dig this. How did it go? I am comitting to a schedule for next week. I think our 3 yr old will really thrive on it. She keeps asking what will we do next?

Victoria said...

I was really interested to read this having just read Supernanny's chapter on routines which I've discussed on my blog, http://mumalogues.wordpress.com- would love to know what you think x

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain, I know this post was so long ago, your children are older now...I'm in the stages you talk about...did you make it through? Find some help, wish you the best.