Thursday, April 14, 2005

Presently Admired Links

Here are some links for you that I've been admiring lately. Click on the underlined word for the link:

1. Fried Cheesecake at Applebee's (droolingly mentioned in the below post)

2. I posted two new flood photos. In this one, you can see the boat that Tim used to rescue our chickens. My brave man! In this one, you can see how ugly chickens look when wet. ALL of that water is supposed to be dry land. You shouldn't even be able to see our river, which is normally a slow-moving, clear-enough-to-see-the-bass small river, way below the last line of trees.

3. K-Love Radio Station : I listen to it when I'm surfing the 'Net.

4. My newsletter. I know, I'm bragging here, since I said this is a list of links I've been "admiring" lately. I write a somewhat-monthly newsletter through Yahoo groups. The latest one has "My Favorite Kitchen Gadgets," "What's Happening in My House," a devotional (this one is often copied from my blog), etc. It's yet another way to reach out to other mothers who are trying their best to balance the home and the family along with life's imbalances.

5. I have this in my links to the right, but I'd like to give an even greater mention to a blog that inspires me daily: WindscrapsHer recent post, "Gentle," was Convi-i-icting to me. I am (...was) a hair-pulling mom, too.

6. When I am on the computer and want to look up a verse quickly, or when I want to search a word such as "morning" in an attempt to trick my night-owl self that getting up at dawn is godly, I go to the Blue Letter Bible.


blessedmama said...

hi there! i was here a few days ago. don't remember if i posted or not. but i just wanted to invite you to join my website The Faithful Family Network. would love to have your writing talent in the articles! :D :D (hint/hint!)
God bless!

Lori Seaborg said...


I visited your site and love what you're doing there.

Thanks for visiting!

k8 said...

klove is my fave too!