Friday, February 18, 2005


Reading...Marriage Under Cover by Bob and Audrey Meisner (I met the authors and got a signed copy from that publishing conference I went to.)

Playing...with lots of the kids' friends this week. I want to stay home all day tomorrow!

Missing...our friends who moved to Arizona. Wish Arizona was closer to Florida!

Opening...a package to find The King Arthur Flour Baker's Companion cookbook. It gets me to dreaming of all the baking I can do! Too bad I'm more of a cookbook reader than a cookbook cooker.

Enjoying...the beautiful blue eggs that my Americana chickens have been laying. Go girls!

Writing...only here on the blog and here on the Yahoo! group. Not enough.

Petting...our little bunny who looks exactly like Peter Rabbit.

Wanting...a Mrs. Bunny so we can see if they really do "breed like rabbits."

Catching...our little bunny who escaped from his cage, which is really my metal garden cart. He was gone for hours. hero, Tim, who not only rescued our teenage chicken from a dog's mouth a few weeks ago, but now rescued my bunny from another dog pursuit. best big-eyed doe-eyed look at Tim when he said my animals are a pain.



Shannon said...

Laughing...I'm pleased to know that across the country there is someone else who was tracking down an escaped rabbit - our disappeared for six hours! Aren't husbands wonderful rabbit catchers...Welcome back - glad you are writing here again.

Lori Seaborg said...

Tim was sitting in a chair watching t.v. when he saw a quick movement go across the French doors. It was our lil' bunny being chased by the neighbor's dog -- a strange breed of a dog that looks exactly like a gorilla or possibly a smallish bear.

Tim had already walked all around the property with his spotlight and had given up on finding the bunny. God answered my prayers, though. I did NOT want to tell our 7yo, Brittany, that the bunny was missing.

Tonya Roberts said...

Missing you lots here in Arizona...but it's nice to log on and still feel close to you and your humor and all your littleuns! It makes the distance seem soooo much less! Keep writing and reaching and touching our hearts! Glad you are back from your Mexican adventure!

Lori Seaborg said...

AZ - Think you could scoot Arizona a little closer this way? I know you enjoy those mountains, though! Take a look at my beach photos. I'm trying to lure you back. :)