Sunday, January 09, 2005

New Articles Posted

I have a couple of new articles posted at my Yahoo! group. It's my group, called "Keeping the Home." It is not a chat group. I post articles that are a bit more polished and less fragmented than at this blog. If you want to read the articles, go to the group through this link: Keeping the Home .

There are two ways you can read the articles:

1. If you go to the group via the above link, Yahoo will require you to join to read the posts. You'll get my articles emailed to you as they are posted, but you won't get any spam from it.

2. Or, the easiest way to get posts is to subscribe, like with a newsletter. Just send an email to :

The new articles are called:

1. Prioritizing Your Life
2. Prioritizing Your Life - Weekly Schedule

There are many other articles on that site. Only a few are repeats from this blog.

Lori Seaborg
Alabama's Gulf Coast

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