Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Making Dreams Come True for Real?

Stone, our brand new 5-year-old, likes to tell me his dreams in the mornings. He often hops onto our bed and says, "Do you want me to tell you what my show was?" Just recently, he learned that the "shows" that he saw at night are called "dreams." His "shows" are full of dump trucks, airplanes, his family and grandparents...and his obsession, fire. Fire trucks, firemen, blazing fires...the kid is a pyromaniac in miniature!

Tonight, the kids watched a bit of the American Idol auditions with me. To introduce the show, the announcer said, "Thousands of people came here to make their dreams come true in Washington, D.C."

Stone yelled, "Mama! Mama! I want to go there! I want my dreams to come true!"

He meant literal dreams, of course. Now that we taught him that "shows" are "dreams," we'll have to teach him that "dreams" can also be "aspirations."

...Nah, that's too long of a word. We'll just let him think all American Idol contestants go to Washington, DC to see their dump trucks, fire, family, firemen, and airplanes in action.

Lori Seaborg
Gulf Coast

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Lori - great story. I needed the laugh - and the perspective in your latest article.