Monday, May 23, 2005

Why Did God Put Us on this Earth?

The children and I studied John the Baptist recently (well, "studied" sounds like we pulled out our Greek and Hebrew texts - if we had those - but what I mean is that we "read" about him. Whatever!). After "reading" about him, I asked the kids why God put John the Baptist on the Earth. That lead to a discussion of why God might have put us on the Earth (in parentheses is the age of my brilliant child who made the preceding remark):

God put John the Baptist on the Earth to "tell people that Jesus was coming and to baptize people." (9yo)

God put Brenden, our 9-year-old boy on the Earth to "make video games that don't include any shooting." (9yo who at the time was grounded from all X-Box games because I finally grew tired of being "shot" at by the boys every time I turned a corner)

God put Brittany, our 7-year-old girl on the Earth to "help the animals." (7yo)

God put Stone, our 5-year-old boy on the Earth to "sell X-boxes to buy more X-boxes to sell and to buy food. Then I would make wood things to put the food on the shelves and then give the food to people." (5 yo)

God put Alyssa Belle, our 2-year-old girl on the Earth to "work with Brittany" (7yo of the same name) and "to make us smile" (mama).

God put Mama on the Earth to "help her kids" (9yo), "to be a good cook" (9yo), "to be a wonderful mother" (7yo), and "to go to bed" (5yo).

God put Daddy on the Earth to "be a good person to be working outside to help get our chickens in the pen and to repair from the hurricane and everything" (7yo), "to help us and protect us and to give us a bunch of money" (9yo), and "to help Mama" (5yo)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say thanks for sending out the latest newsletter. I was "cleaning" my yahoo groups yesterday, and must have gotten overzealous--I didn't mean to unsubscribe to yours! Thanks for checking!
