Sunday, June 05, 2005


Each evening, I walk through the house, checking door locks and baby's blankets...and almost every time I feel a wave of contentment sweep over me. When that wave of contentment comes, I hear myself say, "I love you, God," or "I just love this house, these kids, this man You gave me. Thanks, God."

In the past, this wave of contentment was a fragile thing, coming only when certain circumstances were met. For one, there could not be any clutter or unfinished housework. For another, I had to feel as though I did a good job as a wife and mama that day. Also, I could not be upset or annoyed at anyone.

God has given material things to our family and He has taken away. Through the hard times, I have learned that there is only ONE thing necessary for contentment:

Making the choice to be content

In Philippians 4:11, Paul says, "Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content:"

Being content can be a choice and can be learned! Paul learned contentment even in circumstances like living in prison and walking endlessly and speaking to people who didn't like to listen.

Are you focusing on your cluttered closet, the Legos scattered on the floor, on the way your husband reacted to your grumpiness?

Or are you focusing on the abundance you have as a spoiled American to even have clutter, and even have a closet. You have children who are healthy enough to scatter Legos, and you are blessed with enough abundance to give them little plastic toys instead of sticks and rocks. And you have a husband, one who works hard to help you fill the fridge and parent those babies with you.

It's all about perspective.

"Two women looked
through prison bars.

One saw mud,

the other saw stars."


Steve Burri said...


Peg said...

Tears in my eyes as I read your post! Through all the downpours in my life the last three weeks - I still feel so blessed! Praise God! Hope to be back blogging soon! Hope all is well with you and your family.

shannon said...

Such good thoughts, Lori. You are a good mentor to the women you minister to. Keep giving out those encouraging nudges! :)

Anonymous said...

Lori, You don't know me but I stumbled upon your blog as I searched for information about pullets that turn out to be roos. Ironic that the search led me to this blog, which I find very comforting. Nice writing.

Amy Pearson Photography said...

Ouch. You hit me right where I needed to be hit. Thank you for your honesty and your challenge.

Anonymous said...

WoW! I came across your blog tonight when googling "Laine's Letters" to try and find out if she is still writing since there are no recent letters on her site. My eyes are going crossed I have read so much through your blog. LoL! I love your writings because I can literally "feel" what you are saying and it is just a blessing. I struggle with feeling content and this letter was definitely one I needed. I have bookmarked your blog in my "favorite places" on AOL. (I don't know how to use the blog yet to save blogs as I just started my own blog very recently) Anyway, I had to post a little note to you to say that your writings are already a blessing to me! ~Smiles~ Cassidy