Saturday, January 08, 2005

Psalm 113:9

Both my sister-in-law (mother of two) and I have been separately blessed by this verse recently, so I wanted to share it with you:

"He maketh the barren woman to keep house, and to be a joyful mother of children. Praise ye the LORD."---Psalms 113:9

My sister-in-law opened her Bible to the verse just when it was needed - at at time when the children were tired, irritable and misbehaving. She says the verse reminded her that her children are a blessing from God.

For me, the verse was a reminder that I have so much -- I am not barren, I have a house to "keep," and I have the CHOICE to be joyful.

Yes, I can choose to be joyful and thankful, even when the children are tired, irritable and misbehaving (As my 4-year-old is RIGHT THIS MINUTE when he should be in bed, but is instead making noises and jumping around next to me. Excuse me while I put that Blessing to bed!)

Lori Seaborg
Fairhope, Alabama


Anonymous said...

My second husband and I were blessed with a son, when we were both in our early forties. My husband had two sons with his late wife and I had one daughter with my first husband. Our son added to the joy that we had found after our losses. He taught me 'to give life a chance' and stop picking every 'speck of dust' from the floor, because he played so hard and would litter the floor with his toys, just to look for one small toy and then go and play with something totally different. Our son drowned at the age of 4 years and 5 months in September 2003. After our son's death,the thing that I hated most was the spotlessness of our family lounge and our bedroom, where our son would play before going to bed. I realised how much more important family happiness was to me; I have become less intolerant of my family's carefree attitude and I am progressively embracing their first choice... a warm home.

Lori Seaborg said...

Thank you so much for sharing your story. I can't tell you how sorry I am for your loss. It is beautiful that you have so many special memories of your son. God bless you!